Wilhelm Will Maginon 85/2.8 [V4]

Common 35mm slide projector lens. Black plastic barrel. Marked Will-Wetzlar. AKA Gnome, Adox Maginon.

Dimensions 85 mm
Focal Length (mm)

Max Aperture (f)

Aperture Blades


Rear Mount


  1. 16:9

    One of the most common plastic-barrel 35mm slide projector lenses, the Wilhelm Will Maginon 85mm f2.8 behaves much like any of many similar triplets: soft in the middle; softer in the corners; modest CA and interesting bokeh.

    It’s therefore best reviewed by comparison. The basic Maginon 85 is averagely sharp for a lens of this type (c.66%), and a consistent performer at all distances. Contrast is slightly better than average and colour is typically muted. For bubble-bokeh seekers, this lens is a below average performer: specular outlining is present, but relatively indistinct. Cat-eye deformation is typical, creating mild rather than pronounced swirling. Edginess is slightly below average for a lens of this type.

    Mechnically, it’s a straightforward adaptation. Its ubiquity and low value make it an obvious entry point into the world of projector lens shooting and it delivers textbook triplet images, albeit without either the character, or smoothness, of similar optics – or the sharpness and saturation of more expensive options. It won’t be an impediment to creating stunning images, but it may not add lustre to them, either.

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